Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Long Forgotten DREAM
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
my sisters, my bestfriends

Presently, my sisters and I are now living separately. Ate is in Bohol, she's an OB-Gyne physician, Nanan is in New York working as a nurse, while I’m stuck here in Cebu taking up Law in USC. But as they say, distance can never separate hearts that truly care. Ate, Nanan and me may be far from each other, but our hearts and our minds are connected and will always stay close together forever.
Ateko and Nananko! this piece is for both of you so that you would know how thankful I am to God for giving you to me, and how much I love you. What I am now is because of your love and support for me while I was growing up as a child, coping up with life as a teenager, and finally finding myself as an adult. THANK YOU both so much from the bottom of my heart! yo te amo con todo mi corazon! (i love you with all my heart)
hugs and kisses,
ndai girlie =)
my version of what happened that day
She sat there, scribbling some notes on a paper, thinking about the homework for the next subject which she wasn’t able to accomplish. It was just an ordinary Friday morning, or was it???!!
And then finally the teacher arrived, her agitation just grew more each passing minute. She can’t do it now, she’s sitting at the front row and her teacher would surely see her. Oh how she regretted for being so lazy the night before. Then the moment came, the teacher immediately asked all the students to pass their homework. Suddenly the teacher approached her, she didn’t know what to do, she had nothing to pass. But what the teacher asked her to do was beyond confusing for her, she was asked to leave the class and go home. She was so confused and started to ask questions, but the teacher just told her to hurry up because her mother was waiting. So she gathered up her things and left the class trying to think of her teacher’s odd behavior. Why was she asked to leave the class early? But then she realized it was good anyway because she didn’t make the homework, and it was the last subject, she was tired and wanted to go home.
While descending the steps of the school lobby, she saw her elder cousin waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Now she’s very much confused, why did her cousin pick her up from school? When she started to ask questions again, her cousin just told her to hurry because her mother is waiting, they have to go somewhere. Although she had no idea what exactly was going on, she just kept quiet and followed her cousin until they were outside the school gates. Then when she saw the car which her cousin was approaching to, she thought there must be some mistake. Why is her cousin (from her mother’s side) using the car of her other cousin from her father’s side? That day which she once thought to be just an ordinary day became so complicated. Nevertheless, she still remained quiet and got in the back seat of the car. The ride home seemed to be awkward, music was playing over the car radio, but her cousin never spoke a word. Finally, they reached home. She immediately noticed that there were so many people in their house, still she tried not to mind it. She got out of the car and went inside.
The first thing she noticed when she reached the wide-opened door was that their living room was totally empty and there was a huge carpet at the center. Then her first thought was, "oh yeah, the christmas party.", she almost forgot about that. But the moment she turned right, there she saw her mother, sitting in the sofa crying out her name so loud that she got frightened and dropped her school bag and everything she was carrying. Instinct led her to sit on her mother’s lap and hug her so tightly. Then her mother was starting to say words which she could hardly understand, "He left us Dai, your father left us! He’s gone! He’s gone!". Those simple words became the most difficult to understand. Her mother was crying so hard and was hugging her so tightly. So many thoughts entered her mind, what could have happened. She took a glimpse outside and looked for their car, it was missing, could it be an accident? Then suddenly, like a lightning flash, it hit her at the very center of her heart… Her father was dead. How can that be? This must be just a dream, a nightmare! But she could feel her mother’s tight hug, her tears falling, her heart breaking, her body shivering, and her mind trying to find answers.
That was the most unforgettable day of my life. It was DECEMBER 17, 1999, the day my father died; the day when i thought my heart would break, and my world would end. He died of MI (Myocardial Infarction), or commonly known as heart attack, and not from a car accident which I first thought.
for you…
They say that the true test of strength and courage, is not by holding on or fighting for someone, but rather by letting go. Losing a loved one is probably the hardest challenge a person can ever encounter in his/her entire life. Sometimes, we live life as if it wouldn’t end, as if everything and everyone else around us will live on forever. We tend to get too busy with worldly things that sometimes we forget to find time to appreciate and show our love to the people who mean much much more to us than our jobs, cars, houses and other material things. Before we know it, these people will leave us for good. This is the time when we realize that we actually don’t own anything, even our lives and the lives of our loved ones were just borrowed from someone who is much greater than anything or anyone else. That someone can easily take back what was lent to us, and we have no choice but to let go no matter how painful it may be. And then with broken hearts, we look back to all those years we’ve wasted doing the things that don’t really matter in the end. Those years when we could have spent on more important or significant things in life, like showing our love and care for our family and friends. Like they say, regrets always come in the end.
So to all my family and friends, I’m glad I found this time to say thank you for everything, and that I hope you know how much I love and care for you! You mean more to me than anything else in this so-called "cruel world". I am doing this because I don’t want any regrets. I have lost a loved one 10 years ago, and I’m not sure if I have showed him enough how much I love him. I was deprived of time, he was taken away from me just a little too early. Everyday, I tell myself that although we were only given a short time to be together, I still have enough memories to keep with me for the rest of my life.
I wish you’re still here, to take away all my fears. How i long for a hug and kiss… coz DADDY it’s you that i miss… I l♥ve you!

– A sEcOnD cHaNcE –
There are those moments in our lives
We would love to have again
A second chance to make it different
Than how it turned out thenA love once lost some years ago
When love to me was blind
I chose instead another path
When her (his) offer I declined
But the memories of that choice I made
Has haunted me so long
And to this day I still lament
That decision made so wrong
Not able am I to forget
That love I pushed aside
A lifetime full of happiness
To myself I have deniedI think about her (him) constantly
And wonder what she’d (he’d) do
If given now a second chance
The past I could undo
–LiFe iN tHe rEaL wOrLd–
Today is just another ordinary day. I woke up early this morning, took a bath with my eyes closed. (oh yeah, just so you’ll know, I have a talent of doing things even with my eyes shut, especially when it’s so early in the morning and I'm still very sleepy.) So anyway, I stayed an extra 10minutes inside the bathroom, instead of my usual 30-minute shower, it took me 40 minutes to finish this morning. But actually, there’s no big deal about that coz there were even times when it took me an hour or 2 to shower. Moving on, after taking a bath, I got dressed for work, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and went on my way to our office. I work from 9am to 5:30pm Mondays to Fridays, then on Saturdays, 9am till 12noon.

What surprises me is that I can’t be sure of my answer. There were times when I just lie down on my bed, alone in my room, and then tears start to fall. It was then when I realized that there’s a sadness within me, it has always been there no matter how loud I laugh. And until now, I still can’t figure out the reason for this feeling of sorrow. Is it becoz I'm living alone here in Cebu, my Mom and Ate are in Bohol, my other sister is in the
~**~ FINALLY FREE ~**~

Perhaps forgetting me was just easy for you,
but believe me, forgetting you was so hard to do.
I’ve been to many places,
seen so many faces…
But the memory of your smile,
stayed with me like a saved file.
But then suddenly i’ve met someone…
whose smile is as bright as the sun.
Whenever his eyes met mine,
a memory of you is erased from my mind.
And so now i’m finally free,
free from the spell you left me… :)
I was young and you were near,
the sound of your voice never left my ears.
A sight of you makes my day complete,
the way you gaze made my heart skip a beat.
But to show you how i feel, i never did…
for you were young, and i was still a kid.
Years passed then you went away,
i could never ever forget that day.
If only i could turn back time,
i’d stop at nothing just to make you mine.
But now that we’re miles apart,
why can’t i get you out of my heart…
from jeans to skirt...
I’m just an ordinary fresh graduate who found her way in a not-so-ordinary international airline company. Actually, i have no idea how i got in. I just submitted an application letter, resume, and a very modest TCG (True Copy of Grades). Then they called me up for an exam and interview, and the next thing i knew, i was on my way to Manila for a 2-week training.