Some people call them Geve and Gerda, others call them Gigi and Bb Gay, still some call them Dokie and Narsie; but I call them my Ate and Nanan, or sometimes when i’m being "lambing", I call them Ateko and Nananko. They’re my two elder sisters and bestfriends. I am so thankful to God for giving them to me, and I feel so lucky. For me, my Ate and Nanan are the best and coolest sisters ever. We’re so close that I could tell them everything, and I love them both so much. Sometimes, they treat me like a baby eventhough I’m now an adult. But I can’t blame them coz I’m the youngest in the family and I’ll always be their baby sister. And honestly, I kinda like it because it makes me feel very much loved and cared for. hehehe… :D

My Ate is 8yrs older than me, when we were still kids, our age gap was very much visible and felt in all aspects of our young life. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always looked up to her, and I respect her so much. Now that we’re grown ups, although I’m taller than she is, for just about an inch or two, and we get along so well that sometimes I forget our age gap, my respect for her as an elder sister, the Ate, has always been there.

My Nanan is 4yrs older than me. When we were very young, we always fight with each other, and I’m always the one who end up crying and telling our mom (sumbongera!). But hey, don’t get me wrong, I was the younger one and I’m not much of a fighter compared to my sister. So I just cry and tell my mom, and she’ll pretend to spank my Nanan so I would stop crying. That was then, but now that we’re adults, it’s much different coz we don’t fight anymore. Nanan and me are very close and when we’re together, it seem as though we have our own world.
Both of my sisters are very protective of me. They even swore that if ever I’ll have an idiotic, lamebrain and dumbass boyfriend, they’ll be the first to kill him. hahaha… although it was just an exaggeration, but I know and I felt the love and care from those threats. Nevertheless, I feel comfortable knowing that my Ate and Nanan always got my back.
Presently, my sisters and I are now living separately. Ate is in Bohol, she's an OB-Gyne physician, Nanan is in New York working as a nurse, while I’m stuck here in Cebu taking up Law in USC. But as they say, distance can never separate hearts that truly care. Ate, Nanan and me may be far from each other, but our hearts and our minds are connected and will always stay close together forever.

Ateko and Nananko! this piece is for both of you so that you would know how thankful I am to God for giving you to me, and how much I love you. What I am now is because of your love and support for me while I was growing up as a child, coping up with life as a teenager, and finally finding myself as an adult. THANK YOU both so much from the bottom of my heart! yo te amo con todo mi corazon! (i love you with all my heart)
hugs and kisses,
ndai girlie =)
wow! We sisters three diay mo ha? The power of three will set you free! hehehe.